Welcome to, which all started with my grandma.
I was just a kid when my grandmother was diagnosed with end-stage heart disease, and sent home to die. She already hadso many bypass surgeries; was so scarred up inside; there was nothing more the surgeons could do. Confined in a wheelchair; crushing chest pain; her life was over at age 65.
Michael Greger 医生小时候的样子
后来她听说了这个叫Nathan Pritikin的人,他是早期生活方式医学的先驱之一,接下来发生的事情被记录在了Pritikin的传记中。
Then, she heard about this guy, Nathan Pritikin, one of our early lifestyle medicine pioneers, and what happened nextis chronicled in Pritikin’s biography.
我奶奶是从鬼门关走过来的人之一。我奶奶Frances Greger,是坐着轮椅来的。
My grandma was one of the “death’s door people.” Like Frances Greger, my grandmother. Arrived in a wheelchair.
“Mrs. Greger had heart disease, angina, and claudication; her condition was so bad she could no longer walk without great pain in her chest and legs. Within three weeks [though], she was not only out of her wheelchair…[she] was walking ten miles a day.”
This is a picture of my grandma — at her grandson’s wedding, 15 years after doctors had abandoned her to die.
She was given her medical death sentence at age 65 — but, thanks to a healthy diet, was able to enjoy another 31 years on this earth until age 96, with her six grandkids, including me.
That’s why I went into medicine.
Dean Ornish医生发表了生活方式心脏临床试验的论文多年后,用定量血管造影术证明心脏病是可以逆转的,大多数患者不需服药,不用做手术— 只需要植物性饮食和其他健康的生活方式 — 我以为这项研究将会改变医学界的规则。
When Dr. Dean Ornish published his Lifestyle Heart Trial years later, proving, with something called quantitative angiography, that indeed heart disease could be reversed in the majority of patients without drugs, without surgery — just a plant-based diet and other healthy lifestyle behaviors — I assumed this was going to be the game-changer.
I mean, my family had seen it with their own eyes. But here it was in black and white, published in one of the most prestigious medical journals.
But, nothing happened, leaving me to wonder. Wait a second. If effectively, the cure to our #1 killer could get lost down some rabbit hole and ignored, what else might there be in the medical literature that could help my patients — but just didn’t have a corporate budget driving its promotion?
I made it my life’s mission to find out.
For those of you unfamiliar with my work,every year, I read through every issue of every English-language nutrition journal in the world — so busy folks like you don’t have to.
然后我每天再编写其中最有趣,最具开创性,最有实用价值的研究成果来制作新视频和文章,发表在我的非营利网站 上。
I then compile all the most interesting, the most groundbreaking, the most practical findings to create new videos and articles every day for my nonprofit site,
Everything on the website is free.
There’s no ads, no corporate sponsorship. It’s strictly non-commercial — I’m not selling anything.
I just put it up as a public service, as a labor of love, as a tribute to my grandmother.
I hope I can do for your family what Pritikin did for my family.